Entertainment, art, technology, news, knowledge. Entretenimento, notícias, conhecimento geral.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wan Art Sci: SINCO.net | Blog: Gordon, o primeiro supercomputad...
Wan Art Sci: SINCO.net | Blog: Gordon, o primeiro supercomputad...: SINCO.net | Blog: Gordon, o primeiro supercomputador baseado em Flas... : Em janeiro entrará em operação Gordon , o primeiro supercomputador baseado em armazenamento SSD com um investimento de U$20milhões ...
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wan Art Sci: Hack Space
Wan Art Sci: Hack Space: Hackerspace Global Grid "As proposed on CCCamp11 we need our own infrastructure and space program. HGG's aim is to develop a modular...
Bodacious and BBW Art
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Wan Art Sci: Tip Article : Fluid Simulation for Games
Wan Art Sci: Tip Article : Fluid Simulation for Games: Source: www.intel.com "Video games appeal to our desire to explore and interact with our environment, and adding real-world phenomena-...
computer graphics,
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wan Art Sci: Computer Graphics - GPU
Wan Art Sci: Computer Graphics - GPU: List of links for GPU resources, books and development. And free ebooks about computer graphics and programming for GPU. Source: www.nvid...
computer graphics,
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Claire Sinclair Video and Photos - Free Pics of Claire Sinclair, 2011 Playmate of the Year
Claire Sinclair Video and Photos - Free Pics of Claire Sinclair, 2011 Playmate of the Year
Claire Sinclair Official Webpage
Claire Sinclair Official Webpage
claire sinclair,
Wan Art Sci: Tutorial and Books about OpenCL
Wan Art Sci: Tutorial and Books about OpenCL: OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a framework for writing programs for heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs and others process...
free books,
Wan Art Sci: Tutorial about OpenGL
Wan Art Sci: Tutorial about OpenGL: List of webpages with tutorial about opengl. 1. XOAX OpenGL (with video lectures tutorial) 2. NeHe 3. OpenGL Tutorial (portugues) 4. ...
video lectures
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wan Art Sci: Dicas: Criando redes Sociais e Banco de Dados
Wan Art Sci: Dicas: Criando redes Sociais e Banco de Dados: Neste post hoje publicarei algumas dicas de materiais sobre programação para web. Sendo mais especifico para criação de banco de dados com M...
redes sociais,
WRS Novaĵo: Ron Paul A Hope Against "New World Order" (Uma Esp...
WRS Novaĵo: Ron Paul A Hope Against "New World Order" (Uma Esp...: More informations in http://www.infowars.com
Monday, December 26, 2011
PTC Novelo: The Little Girl Invisible
PTC Novelo: The Little Girl Invisible: The Little Girl Invisible On a cold day under a gray sky a little girl plays with her small and thin doll – it isn't so differ...
Sunday, December 25, 2011
PTC Novelo: A Pequenina Invisível
PTC Novelo: A Pequenina Invisível: A Pequenina Invisível Em um dia frio sob um céu cinzento uma menininha brinca com sua pequena e magra boneca – ela, a boneca,...
Saturday, December 24, 2011
WRS Novaĵo: Ĉeesto de la Usano en la Latino Amerika
WRS Novaĵo: Ĉeesto de la Usano en la Latino Amerika: En intervjuo al "Observatório Sociopolitico Latino Americano" (CRONICON.NET) la gazetistino Stella Calloni parolas pri la influon kaj l...
WRS Novaĵo: U.S. presence in Latin America
WRS Novaĵo: U.S. presence in Latin America: In an interview with the Latin American Observatory Sociopolitical argentine journalist Stella Calloni talk about influence and about Was...
WRS Novaĵo: Presença dos EUA na América Latina
WRS Novaĵo: Presença dos EUA na América Latina: Em entrevista ao Observatório Sociopolítico Latinoamericano a jornalista argentina Stella Calloni fala sobre a influência e os planos...
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tip Blog - Naked at Our Age | Better Than I Ever Expected
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Joan Price |
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One of my works. I use web's photo of Robin Pachino for show beauty of the mature woman. |
interesting blog,
mature people,
old age,
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Coleção de lingerie para torcedoras - Pravda.Ru
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wan Art Sci: GLUT Tutorial
Wan Art Sci: GLUT Tutorial: GLUT Tutorial Tutorial about library GLUT stand for OpenGL toolkit for graphics application and computer graphics in http://www.lighthou...
Game Hugo sucesso nos anos 90 esta de volta
Sucesso na televisão brasileira dos anos 1990, o jogo interativo Hugo retornará agora para Smartphones, tablets, PSP e PCs. Mantendo a mesma mecânica de jogo já conhecida e batizado com o título "Hugo Retro Mania". Nele o jogador terá que coletar itens em uma mina e enfrentar a terrível bruxa Sculla e seu crocodilo por exemplo.
Fonte: MSN Games
Fonte: MSN Games
Wan Art Sci: MIT launches online learning initiative - MIT News...
Wan Art Sci: MIT launches online learning initiative - MIT News...: MIT launches online learning initiative - MIT News Office "MIT today announced the launch of an online learning initiative internally calle...
online course
Monday, December 19, 2011
Rik Van der Son: My new work "Robin Pachino in Art"
Rik Van der Son: My new work "Robin Pachino in Art": The "red rose" isn't part of the drawing. http://rikvanderson.deviantart.com/
Lady Burly - A arte Burlesca
Lady Burly é uma dançarina especializada em dança burlesca. Mas antes de se tornar especialista em daça burlesca trabalhava dando aulas de dança vintage. Devido a sua experiência com danças foi convidada por um amigo a participar de uma feira erótica.
Sua entrevista com Jô Soares pode ser vista no site do programa Programa do Jo
Burlesque in Wikipedia
Burlesque na música
Sua entrevista com Jô Soares pode ser vista no site do programa Programa do Jo
Burlesque in Wikipedia
Burlesque na música
dança burlesca,
Morre lider norte coreano

Fonte: MSN Notícias
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Morte do ator Sergio Brito
Após ser enternado a um mês, morreu hoje aos 88 anos, o ator e apresentador Sérgio Brito. Além de trabalhos com teatro ele apresentava um programa semanal na TV Brasil chamado "Arte com Sergio Brito", um programa sobre arte e cultura. Seu falecimento decorreu-se de problemas cardiorrespiratórios.
R7 Grandes Mestres do Palcos
R7 Grandes Mestres do Palcos
Friday, December 16, 2011
Reportagens - Reportagem da Record Sobre Dieta para o Cérebro
Há algumas semanas atrás a emissora Record exibiu uma excelente reportagem sobre alimentação. Tratava-se de dicas de alimentos, que são ricos em vitaminas, favorecem o desenvolvimento do cérebro e saúde de um modo geral. Entre os alimentos citados estão: peixes, castanha, ovo, geleia real entre outros. Os videos da reportagem pode ser vistos no seguinte link "Dieta Para o Cérebro" no site da emissora Record.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
アート自由川: Google Open Source Blog: Students add to SymPy
アート自由川: Google Open Source Blog: Students add to SymPy: SymPyは純粋なPythonで書かれたコンピュータ代数システム(CAS)である。コアは、式の基本的な操作を(差別化または拡張のような)ことができ、それは一般的なタスク(制限、積分、微分方程式、シリーズ、行列、量子物理学、幾何学、プロット、およびコード生成)のための多くのモジュールが含まれています。
Wan Art Sci: Google Open Source Blog: Students add to SymPy
Wan Art Sci: Google Open Source Blog: Students add to SymPy: Google Open Source Blog: Students add to SymPy : SymPy is a computer algebra system (CAS) written in pure Python. The core allows basic man...
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Rik Van der Son: My new work "Robin Pachino in Art"
Rik Van der Son: My new work "Robin Pachino in Art": The "red rose" isn't part of the drawing. http://rikvanderson.deviantart.com/
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Governo da Indonésia ameaça bloqueio contra serviços da BlackBerry
O governo da Indonésia questiona segurança dos serviços do BlackBerry e exige acesso aos dados circulados pelos serviços. A pressão é pelo fato dos serviços do Blackberry serem encriptados. Outro motivo apontado para a reação do governo é o fato de a empresa responsável pelo BlackBerry ter escolhido Singapura para instalar seus datacenters.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Wan Art Sci: Life-like cells are made of metal - life - 14 Sept...
Wan Art Sci: Life-like cells are made of metal - life - 14 Sept...: Life-like cells are made of metal - life - 14 September 2011 - New Scientist "Could living things that evolved from metals be clunking ab...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wan Art Sci: Desenho Técnico
Wan Art Sci: Desenho Técnico: Biblioteca Virtual do Senai Apostilas sobre desenho técnico industrial QCAD - Software CAD , para desenho técnico (software livre) Dese...
Friday, December 09, 2011
Teen of 17 years Zhang gets prize of $ $ 100,000
A young teenager of 17 years in the United States won the award for his discovery. It is a nanoparticle which can be used more efficiently for the treatment of various cancers.
Source: Siemens Foundation
Source: Siemens Foundation
Adolescente Zhang de 17 anos ganha prêmio de $100 mil dolares
Uma jovem adolescente de 17 anos nos Estados Unidos ganhou prêmio por sua descoberta. Trata-se de uma nanoparticula a qual pode ser usada com mais eficiência para o tratamento de diversos tipos de câncer.
Terra Notícias
Olhar Digital
Terra Notícias
Olhar Digital
アート自由川: ミュージック:サライGivaty - イスラエルのアーティスト
アート自由川: ミュージック:サライGivaty - イスラエルのアーティスト: サライGivatyはまた、モデルや女優としての仕事で知られるイスラエルの歌手です。彼はイスラエルのガリラヤ湖に近い美しい街で6月24日に生まれました。シリーズCSI(2006)と彼がリアット「Liat」Tuviaという名前のモサドの将校を演じたNCISネイビー犯罪捜査班(2...
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Music: Sarai Givaty - Israeli Artist
Sarai Givaty is an Israeli singer who is also known for his work as a model and actress. He was born on June 24 in a beautiful city near the Sea of Galilee in Israel. In his work as an actress on the series CSI (2006) and NCIS (2010) where he played a Mossad officer named Liat Tuvia.
Sarai studied at art school in Israel where he received formal training in: painting, digital photography, sculpture, drawing, music and performing arts. At 17 years old started a travel the world. He now lives between Los Angeles in the United States and Israel.
Sarai studied at art school in Israel where he received formal training in: painting, digital photography, sculpture, drawing, music and performing arts. At 17 years old started a travel the world. He now lives between Los Angeles in the United States and Israel.
Music: Sarai Givaty - Artista Israelense
Sarai Givaty é uma cantora israelense que é conhecida também por seus trabalhos como modelo e atriz. Nasceu em 24 Junho em uma bela cidade próxima ao mar de Galili em Israel. Em seus trabalhos como atriz participou do seriado CSI (2006) e do NCIS (2010) onde interpretou uma oficial do Mossad chamada Liat Tuvia.
Sarai estudou em uma escola de artes em Israel na qual recebeu treinamento formal em: pintura, fotografia digital, escultura, desenho, música e artes performáticas.
Aos 17 anos de idade iniciou uma viaja pelo mundo. Agora vive entre Los Angeles nos Estados Unidos e Israel.
sarai givaty
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Modelos Plus Size entre as 100+ Gatas da Internet pela VIP
A modelo plus size Andrea Boschim entrou na lista das 100 mais bonitas da internet pela VIP. Ela, na qual inclusive votei, ficou na posição 50º. A lista contou com outras modelos plus size entre as 100. Elas podem serem vistas no blog GMaravilhosas.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Game: Battlefield 3 Wake Island Gameplay Trailer
Trailer トレーラー
ソース Battlefield Youtube Channel
Trailer トレーラー
ソース Battlefield Youtube Channel
ニュース, nihongo
Game: Battlefield 3: Wake Island Gameplay Trailer
Battlefield 3: Wake Island Gameplay Trailer
Back to Karkand goes live on PlayStation 3 December 6th. To celebrate the launch check out this trailer featuring explosive PlayStation 3 gameplay from the all-time classic map Wake Island, now reimagined with the power of Frostbite 2. Watch out for another special cameo appearance from the hidden fourth combat vehicle as it crushes through the enemy lines. Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand is yours at no extra charge if you own a copy of the Battlefield 3: Limited Edition, or available to buy at $14.99/1200 Microsoft Points.
Scientists are close to bringing the mammoth life
Scientists from Japan and Russia are a sample of DNA from mammoth in Siberia. The material was perfect, which the researchers will make possible the cloning of animals that became extinct about 12,000 years ago.
However, the project raises ethical questions about what should be done with the cloned animal. In addition, of course, other implications that might arise.
Cientistas estão perto de trazer o mamute a vida
Cientistas do Japão e da Rússia encontram amostra de DNA de um mamute na Sibéria. O material estava em perfeito, o que segundo os pesquisadores tornará possivel a clonagem do animal que foi extinto há aproximadamente 12 mil anos.
No entanto o projeto levanta questões éticas sobre o que deveria ser feito com o animal clonado. Além, claro, de outras implicações que poderiam vir a surgir.
Link para noticia em MSN Tecnologia
No entanto o projeto levanta questões éticas sobre o que deveria ser feito com o animal clonado. Além, claro, de outras implicações que poderiam vir a surgir.
Link para noticia em MSN Tecnologia
Monday, December 05, 2011
Wan Art Sci: Python: Image Processing with numpy, PIL (Python I...
Wan Art Sci: Python: Image Processing with numpy, PIL (Python I...: Below an example code with numpy and PIL for manipulate image. Create it code and save like blend.py in directory. import numpy, Imag...
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Playboy Brazil de Dezembro com Bárbara Evans
A musa de 20 anos, Bárbara Evans filha da apresentadora Monique Evans, posou no campo para um ensaio com influências do estilo lolita. O resultado poder-se-á ver apartir de seis de dezembro.
Making Off Bárbara Evans
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Divulgação |
Making Off Bárbara Evans
bárbara evans,
Friday, December 02, 2011
アート自由川: ワンダジャクソン ロックの女王 - Wanda Jackson - Queen of Rock
アート自由川: ワンダジャクソン ロックの女王 - Wanda Jackson - Queen of Rock: ワンダジャクソンは ロック の 女王です。 " Wanda Lavonne Jackson (born October 20, 1937) is an American singer, songwriter, pianist and guitarist who ...
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Music: Gothabilly
"Gothabilly (sometimes hellbilly[1]), is one of several music and cultural subgenres of rockabilly. The name is a portmanteau word that combines gothic and rockabilly. The earliest known use of the word gothabilly was by The Cramps in the late 1970s, to describe their blend of somber, rockabilly-influenced punk rock.[2][1] Since then the term has come to describe a fashion and music trend that bridges both the gothic and rockabilly subcultures."
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Robots in reality - MIT News Office
Robots in reality - MIT News Office
"Consider the following scenario: A scout surveys a high-rise building that’s been crippled by an earthquake, trapping workers inside. After looking for a point of entry, the scout carefully navigates through a small opening. An officer radios in, “Go look down that corridor and tell me what you see.” The scout steers through smoke and rubble, avoiding obstacles and finding two trapped people, reporting their location via live video. A SWAT team is then sent to lead the workers safely out of the building." read more...
"Consider the following scenario: A scout surveys a high-rise building that’s been crippled by an earthquake, trapping workers inside. After looking for a point of entry, the scout carefully navigates through a small opening. An officer radios in, “Go look down that corridor and tell me what you see.” The scout steers through smoke and rubble, avoiding obstacles and finding two trapped people, reporting their location via live video. A SWAT team is then sent to lead the workers safely out of the building." read more...
Radiation Covers 8% of Japan, Fukushima Crisis “Stunting Children’s Growth”
Radiation Covers 8% of Japan, Fukushima Crisis “Stunting Children’s Growth”: pJapan’s science ministry says 8 per cent of the country’s surface area has been contaminated by radiation from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. It says more than 30,000 square kilometres of the country has been blanketed by radioactive cesium. The science ministry defines places with a concentration of more than 10,000 becquerels per square meter [...]/p
AnimaRecife 2012 - Convenção de Anime e Cultura Japonesa
"Trailer Oficial da Edição 2012 do AnimaRecife - Uma grande convenção de animes, games, cosplays e cultura pop japonesa."
Monday, November 28, 2011
Matemática: Probabilidade no Futebol e Fórmula 1
Na página "Probabilidades no Futebol" da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais é possível ver as probabilidades para o campeonato brasileiro e para a Fórmula 1. Estão disponiveis, por exemplo, as probabilidades do Campeonato Brasileiro da série A (veja abaixo).
Segundo eles os demais times tem probabilidade zero de serem campeão.
アート自由川: ミヒマル ジーティー 「Mihimaru GT」 - 「So Merry Christmas」
アート自由川: ミヒマル ジーティー 「Mihimaru GT」 - 「So Merry Christmas」: “Mihimaru GT(ミヒマル ジーティー)は、日本の音楽ユニット。ヒップホップとJ-POP(特に1990年代のダンスミュージック)を融合させた楽曲が多く、自らもそれをコンセプト "Hip-Pop" として掲げている。” ウィキペヂア http:...
アート自由川: 音楽:: メガマソ 『Megamasso』
アート自由川: 音楽:: メガマソ: “ メガマソ は日本の ヴィジュアル系 ロックバンド である。 彩冷える (アヤビエ)の ギタリスト であった 涼平 を中心に結成された。” http://megamasso.jp/
Gordinhas Maravilhosas ®: Belos Tumblr - Gordinhas Maravilhosas
Gordinhas Maravilhosas ®: Belos Tumblr - Gordinhas Maravilhosas: Na nossa semana de aniversario é obvio que falaremos do nosso tumblr. Ele nasceu dos pedidos dos nossos frenquentadores masculinos que sempr...
post interessante
Sunday, November 27, 2011
And the winner of the 2011 Greenpeace film competition is... | Greenpeace International
And the winner of the 2011 Greenpeace film competition is... | Greenpeace International
And the winner of the 2011 Greenpeace film competition is...
Posted by Richardg - 23 November 2011 (Greenpeace UK)
Last night film makers from across Europe gathered at the Curzon Soho in central London, with one question on their minds: who had won the Greenpeace Film Competition?
Saturday, November 26, 2011
音楽 Sarah McLachlan サラマクラクラン スウィートサレンダー
それはサラマクラクランの音楽“Sweet Surrender”「スウィートサレンダー」です。この音楽は映画“ホーマルーム”のサウンドトラックにあった。
Title: "Sweet Surrender"
Doesn't mean much
Doesn't mean anything at all
The life I've left behind
Is a cold room
I've crossed the last line
From where I can't return
Where every step I took in faith
Betrayed me
And led me from my home
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
Take me in
No questions asked
You strip away the ugliness
That surrounds me
Are you an Angel?
Am I already that gone?
I only hope
That I won't disappoint you
Well, I'm down here on my knees
Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
And I don't understand how
By the touch of your hand,
I would be the one to fall
I miss the little things
I miss everything
About you
Doesn't mean much
Doesn't mean anything at all
The life I've left behind
Is a cold room
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
Information about the movie
Home Room
Directed by Paul F. Ryan
Produced by Ben Ormand
Written by Paul F. Ryan
Starring Erika Christensen
Busy Philipps
Victor Garber
Agnes Bruckner
Music by Mike Shapiro
Distributed by DEJ Productions
Release date(s) 12 April 2002
Running time 133 min.
Language English
Music: Sarah McLachlan
It's music "Sweet Surrender" of Sarah McLachlan, it music were in the soundtrakc of movie Home Room.
Title: "Sweet Surrender"
Doesn't mean much
Doesn't mean anything at all
The life I've left behind
Is a cold room
I've crossed the last line
From where I can't return
Where every step I took in faith
Betrayed me
And led me from my home
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
Take me in
No questions asked
You strip away the ugliness
That surrounds me
Are you an Angel?
Am I already that gone?
I only hope
That I won't disappoint you
Well, I'm down here on my knees
Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
And I don't understand how
By the touch of your hand,
I would be the one to fall
I miss the little things
I miss everything
About you
Doesn't mean much
Doesn't mean anything at all
The life I've left behind
Is a cold room
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
Sweet Surrender
Is all that I have to give
Information about the movie
Home Room
Directed by Paul F. Ryan
Produced by Ben Ormand
Written by Paul F. Ryan
Starring Erika Christensen
Busy Philipps
Victor Garber
Agnes Bruckner
Music by Mike Shapiro
Distributed by DEJ Productions
Release date(s) 12 April 2002
Running time 133 min.
Language English
Friday, November 25, 2011
Amanda Cerny - Gallery #1
Amanda Cerny is american model, she was Miss October 2011 in Playboy magazine. She study Political Science in Florida State University.
amanda cerny,
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wan Art Sci: Russians create projection system in the air
Wan Art Sci: Russians create projection system in the air: A prototype developed by company Displair, you use cool mist flow to project images on the smoke.
Wan Art Sci: Russos criam sistema de projeção no ar
Wan Art Sci: Russos criam sistema de projeção no ar: Um prototipo desenvolvido pela empresa Displair, utiliza-se de fluxos de névoa fria para fazer projeções de imagens sobre a fumaça. ...
アート自由川: Wan Art Sci: ロシア人は、空気中の投影システムを作成する
アート自由川: Wan Art Sci: ロシア人は、空気中の投影システムを作成する: Wan Art Sci: ロシア人は、空気中の投影システムを作成する : 会社のDisplairによって開発されたプロトタイプは、煙が上の画像を投影するクールミストフローを使用してください。
Wan Art Sci: GPUs Lend Special Effects To The Muppets
Wan Art Sci: GPUs Lend Special Effects To The Muppets: "They're still the same Muppets, but they're more animated than ever thanks to Look Effects and Quadro GPUs."
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
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